Return Policy

No-Hassle Returns

  • Return your new, unopened items* within 30 days from date of delivery for a full refund; you pay only return shipping. No questions asked. We'll even pick it up for a small fee.
  • Open box items in like new condition can be returned for a full refund of the product price. Return shipping will apply.
  • Products received as a result of our error can be returned at no cost to you. We will even pay to have the item picked up.
  • Items returned after 30 days from delivery to you will be treated as an Open Box Return and subject to a minimum 15% re-stocking fee.

Defective Merchandise

Contact our Customer Service Team within 30 days of receipt of any item you believe to be defective. Greenhouse Grower Store will provide instructions for returning the item for inspection. If the product is declared defective, you will have the option to receive a replacement or obtain a full refund of the purchase price including shipping. If a replacement item is desired, Greenhouse Grower Store will ship the new items upon receipt of defective merchandise. Products not found to be defective will be treated as a normal return.

Return Material Authorizations (RMAs)

Prior to return a "Return Material Authorization Number" must be obtained from Greenhouse Grower Store - credit may not be issued for returns sent without a RMA number. All defective or returned goods must be returned freight prepaid to the address provided by Greenhouse Grower Store. Credit will be applied within 5 days of receipt and inspection.


Specialty Cut and Custom Fabricated Items

Specialty cut and custom fabricated items including but not limited to polyethylene film, and shade cloth are not returnable. We will, however, exchange any defective items. Specially fabricated items that do not meet ordered specifications (within stated tolerances) will be replaced upon confirmation of discrepancy by our agents. Customer may be subject to additional shipping and handling charges if it is confirmed that returned pieces do indeed meet stated tolerances.